Super-Tuning Pistols & Revolvers

Certified CERAKOTE Applicator

Super-tuning offers a range of benefits and custom options

Super-tuning pistols

While there are many pistols on the market, the M1911 pistol (also known as the Government or Colt Government) is a common, high-end pistol that a lot of our customers want to super-tune. Of course, we always start with an in-depth discussion to clarify your wants and needs.

Super-tuning your pistol can include these services:

  • Tighten the slide onto the rails
  • Replace the trigger with a higher-quality aftermarket trigger
  • Do a trigger job to make the trigger pull lighter and crisper
  • Change the sight to a night sight to make your carry gun a defense pistol
  • Change the grip to be ambidextrous for left-hand and right-hand use (most pistols are geared toward a right-hand shooter)
  • Install ambidextrous safety
  • Add a custom Cerakote color or camouflage pattern (Homeland Gunsmithing is a certified Cerakote applicator)

Attention Police, Sheriff, Highway Patrol, and SWAT teams:

For safety and accuracy, your firearms must be kept in top condition. Please call to discuss an ongoing maintenance and calibration program for your firearms – or to discuss building extremely accurate long-range rifles and tactical rifles.

Super-tuning revolvers

As you know, most revolvers are single-action Army-type or double-action. Some of our customers want to super-tune their revolvers to improve accuracy in target shooting. Some use revolvers in cowboy-action competitions; we can make a gun run smooth and fast. No matter how you use your revolver, super-tuning offers greater accuracy along with creative customization.

Super-tuning your revolver can include these services:

  • Custom smooth-and-tune to make the double-action smoother
  • Do a trigger job to make the trigger pull lighter and crisper
  • Custom grips
  • Add a custom Cerakote color or camouflage pattern

Contact Pete Hubbard to super-tune your pistol or revolver.

Homeland Gunsmithing: Denver’s precision-driven gunsmith shop.